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Sunday 17th March

Tonight’s quizzes :

6pm – The Persevere. Jackpot: £60. Cheat: Tanita Tikaram (music round)

8pm – Tolbooth Tavern. Jackpot: £30. Cheat: Horse Racing (pic round)

Sunday: like a cake full of sawdust heralding the empty week.

The best thing you can do to oppose this sawdust paradigm is go to the quiz where it is possible to win money, booze and the respect of your friends in a friendly knowledge-based contest which rewards a sneaky combination of smarts and luck.

I love it when you come to the quiz. I could kiss every one of you. Anyway. Here’s the music round cheat for tonight’s quiz at the Persevere:

This is jaunty tune but also strangely depressing. I remember when it came out and I couldn’t decide whether I quite liked it or totally hated it.

I’m still torn.

So there you have it: in thirty years I have learned nothing. Well nothing in terms of Tanita Tikaram anyway.

Although, having said that I was looking her up the other day on Wikipedia and discovered she was born in Germany. That’s proper trivial, in the sense that it’s information that can be of no proper use.

Another item which is not really a fact came from one of the youtube comments which pointed out that she looks like Elvis.

This is another type of learning: something that I always knew but never really thought of until someone pointed it out.

But also useless in terms of knowledge. What do we know and why do we remember it? This is PhD stuff. I’d better leave it there. It’s Sunday.

Anyway – come to the quiz.


See you later.

Ooh la la.

Dr Paul

crumpled 2 point voucher
Held on the voucher for years? Put it through the wash? It still counts.

Get yourself on Dr Paul instagram for top quiz snaps and Dr Paul Twitter is also there for those of you who like the Wild West style madness of Tweet.



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